from head to toe遍布全身;从头到脚
big toe大脚趾
heel and toe踵趾动作;踵和趾;脚跟与脚尖双脚旋转
toe in前束,前轮内倾
toe cap鞋头
toe the line听从;准备起跑
slope toe坡脚
great toe拇趾
little toe小脚趾
pile toe桩头
on one's toe警觉;准备行动
toe box[制鞋业]头套;[制鞋业]前衬
- The Prime Minister is angry because some members of his government are not toeing the line.
In-toeing gait in children.
Toeing nosepiece for screwdrivers
In-toeing and out-toeing in children
Hip rotation and in-toeing gait
Toe walking, flat feet and bow legs, in-toeing and out-toeing
Social capital and health: tip-toeing through the minefield of evidence.
Orthotic devices with out-toeing wedge as treatment for in-toed gait in children.
Thoughts on in-toeing and out-toeing: twenty years' experience with over 5000 cases and a review of the literature.
The effectiveness of gait plates in controlling in-toeing symptoms in young children.
Foot loading patterns can be changed by deliberately walking with in-toeing or out-toeing gait modifications.