- He will leave at the end of term, to wit 30 July.
他要在期末离开,也就是7月30日。 - He and all his family-- to wit, mother, father, three brothers, and one dog-- are waiting for me at the station.
To Wit
To Wit: The Skin and Bones of Comedy (Book)
Raymond Pettibon - to Wit
To wit or not to wit: The use of humor in psychotherapy
To Wit: A Sense of Humor - A Mandatory Tool of Management
To Wit: Humor and the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
Latin Influence on an Old English Idiom: “To Wit”
Breaking new ground: introducing special needs students to WIT Library
A comparative grammar of the modern Aryan languages of India : to wit, Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya and Bangali
A Series of Astronomical Observations Made at the Observatory of the Marine at Paris, to Wit, 1 degrees. Observations of Jupiter's S...
Does Male Circumcision Protect against Sexually Transmitted Infections? Arguments and Meta-Analyses to the Contrary Fail to Withstan...