- The angler reeled out his fishing line.
渔人放出线轮上的钓丝。 - It was easier to see the slant of the fish line.
Fishing line
Fishing line
Artificial muscles from fishing line and sewing thread.
Escape of fish under the fishing line of a Norwegian sampling trawl and its influence on survey results
Escape of fish under the fishing line of a Norwegian sampling trawl and its influence on survey results
Why Use a Fishing Line When You Have a Net? An Adaptive Multicast Data Distribution Protocol
Why use a fishing line when you have a net? an adaptive multicast data distribution protocol
Damage to Cauliflower Coral by Monofilament Fishing Lines in Hawaii
Entanglement of monofilament fishing lines and coral death
Disease-induced mass mortality of crustose coralline algae on coral reefs provides rationale for the conservation of herbivorous fis...
Chorioretinitis sclopetaria caused by fishing line sinker
Comparison of fishing line for repair of the cruciate deficient stifle.