- The fisherman transfixed the shark with a harpoon.
渔夫用鱼叉刺住鲨鱼。 - With dredging , the fisherman tows a chain mesh behind a fishing boat in order to scoop up sea life from the seabed.
Fisherman's goggle
Sport fisherman's ice chest with integrated cutting board
Fisherman quotas: A tentative suggestion for domestic management
Fisherman Behavior and the Design of Efficient Fisheries Regulation Programs
Avoiding Surprises: Incorporating Fisherman Behavior into Management Models
Should You Ask a Fisherman or a Biologist?: Developmental Shifts in Ways of Clustering Knowledge
Mercury levels in fisherman and their household members in Zhoushan, China: impact of public health
Hand circulation in the cold of Lapps and North Norwegian fisherman
Biological observations on sharks caught by sport fisherman of New South Wales
Musculo-skeletal symptoms as related to working conditions among Swedish professional fisherman