- The BBC plans to televise all Shakespeare's plays.
Apparatus and method for generating product coupons in response to televised offers
Positive responses to televised beer advertisements associated with drinking and problems reported by 18 to 29-year-olds
Exposure to televised alcohol ads and subsequent adolescent alcohol use.
Infant's brain responses to live and televised action
AutoAuditorium: a fully automatic, multi-camera system to televise auditorium presentations
Elderly viewers' responses to televised portrayals of old age: Empathy and mood management versus social comparison.
Program Context, Sensation Seeking, and Attention to Televised Anti-Drug Public Service Announcements
Responses to televised alcohol associated with drinking 10‐17‐year‐olds advertisem ents behaviour of
Imitation of Live and Televised Models by Children One to Three Years of Age
Presidential Expressions and Viewer Emotion: Counterempathic Responses to Televised Leader Displays