- That's a matter for you to take up with your boss.
这个问题你得去和你的老板进行交涉。 - How is the sale negotiation going to turn out?
Water flow decontamination - using slits in sediment of ground water outflow filled with a sorption agent to take=up water-soluble s...
State to take up matter with Centre
The failure of rat hypothalamic tissues to take up labeled insulin in vivo or to respond to insulin in vitro.
Buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) has high capacity to take up phosphorus (P) from a calcium (Ca)-bound Source
If at First You Don't Succeed, Bye, Bye Again: A Response to General Educators' Views on the REI.
Modeling approach to derive the anisotropic complex refractive index of polymer:fullerene blends for organic solar cells utilizing s...
A Program Based on English Digital Stories to Develop the Writing Performance and Reflective Thinking of Preparatory School Pupils.
From Commission to Council: has the United Nations succeeded in creating a credible human rights body?
The Universal Recipe or How to Get Your Manuscript Accepted by Persnickety Editors
Review of Simons, Anna; McGraw, Joe; Lauchengco, Duane, The Sovereignty Solution: A Common Sense Approach to Global Security