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英 [ən'ju:]
美 [ən'ju]


  • abbr.

    Antigua;West Indies 西印度群岛;安提瓜岛机场(代码);Australian National University 澳大利亚国立大学

  • 英英释义

    ANU[ 'ɑ:nu: ]

    • n.Babylonian god of the sky; one of the supreme triad including Bel and Ea



    Status of c-myc, p53 and retinoblastoma genes in human papillomavirus positive and negative squamous cell carcinomas of the anus.
    An Analysis of ANU's History,Governing Structure and Presidentialism
    DAML-S: semantic markup for web services
    Two CD95 (APO‐1/Fas) signaling pathways
    American Journal of Human Genetics
    Thymic selection of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells induced by an agonist self-peptide
    Charge transport in organic semiconductors
    Charge‐Transfer and Energy‐Transfer Processes in π‐Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers: A Molecular Picture
    Autologous skeletal myoblast transplantation for severe postinfarction left ventricular dysfunction
    Mapping the Gnutella Network: Properties of Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Systems and Implications for System Design