A cable to shrink the earth: sixteen hours to send a telegram? That was a technological revolution in 1858.
FDR couldn’t bring himself to send a telegram to the man who won four Olympic gold medals.
Method for introducing redundancy mechanisms into a communications system uses disjunctive paths to transmit a data telegram to node...
India to Send World's Last Telegram. Stop
Still Time to Donate to the Press-Telegram's Send-a-Kid-to-Camp Fund
SPOIL MUM FOR A DAY!; and Send Her a Telegram Teddy
Transponder connection to a relay interlocking for the selection of an ETCS telegram
Remote control device for house wiring equipment has a casing to hold a sensor device and a transmitter for sending a telegram based...
Dead Media Beat: India to send world’s last telegram
WIN DAY OF PAMPERING FOR MUM; and Send Her a Telegram Teddy