Brain Impairment in Child Psychiatric Disorders: Correspondencies between Neuropsychological and CT Scan ResultsNeural network correspondencies of engineering principlesNon-Abelian Groups Admitting More than Half Inverse CorrespondenciesRealization of some input-output correspondencies in finite-dimensional spaceNON-ABELIAN GROUPS OF ODD PRIME POWER ORDER WHICH ADMIT A MAXIMAL NUMBER OF INVERSE CORRESPONDENCIES IN AN AUTOMORPHISMTranslation by structural correspondenciesCORRESPONDENCIES ANALYSIS IN THEMATIC CARTOGRAPHYCORRESPONDENCIES ANALYSIS IN THEMATIC CARTOGRAPHYCORRESPONDENCIES ANALYSIS IN THEMATIC CARTOGRAPHY - Data for Science and TechnologyEstudi de les inèrcies estructurals en anàlisis de correspondències. Aportacions per a una millora de les anàlisis