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first mate

《first mate》怎以读

英 [fə:st meit]

Error loading: "https://img.banbaow.com/dict/mp3/f/nhpgqrxwa0x.mp3"
美 [fɚst met]

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《first mate》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 英英释义

    first mate

    • n.the officer below the master on a commercial ship


    学习《first mate》怎么用


    1. At thirty, he signed on as first mate with a cargo ship.
    2. The first mate was studying to become a master.


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    Multiple paternity and first mate sperm precedence in the sierra dome spider, Linyphia litigiosa Keyserling (Linyphiidae).
    Female-enhanced male competition determines the first mate and principal sire in the spider Linyphia litigiosa (Linyphiidae).
    A successful anticoagulation protocol for the first HeartMate II implantation in the United States.
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    The First Mate's Log, of a Voyage to Greece in the Schooner Yacht 'Fleur de Lys' in 1939
    Poly(dopamine), the First Materisal-independent Surface Chemistry
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