Russia to convoke panel of arbiters on complaint to WTO over EU energy amendments late March - ministry
History of the Condemnation of the Patriarch Nicon: ‘Whether it was competent for our autocrat Alexis to convoke a synod?’ or shou...
The First Art Historian Conference of Poland to China Convoked in Krakow
President Jonathan announced on October 1, 2013 his intention to convoke a national conference at which there would be no issues exc...
Does Article v Restrict the States to Calling Unlimited Conventions Only?: A Letter to a Colleague
Esthetics and psycho-analyse. The answer of the young Fichte to Schiller on the education
From the "old"Cepalism to the criticism of Globalization Change and continuity in the debate over development strategies in Latin A...
Second Vatican Council
Sual withdraws demand to hold extraordinary Rusal meeting on charter adjustments
Deputy to the Second Legislature