- The tabernacle was made of the finest material.
圣体盘是用最好的材料做的。 - Perhaps this is his finest novel yet.
这也许是至今为止他写得最好的一部小说。 - This sculpture is one of his finest efforts.
这个雕像是他最出色的成果之一。 - Certainly this does not mean that the Party has taken no notice of the excellent work done by many of its finest members.
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The Pauli matrices in $n$ dimensions and finest gradings of simple Lie algebras of type $Asb {n-1}$.
Optical effects of space weathering: The role of the finest fraction
The optical properties of the finest fraction of lunar soil: Implications for space weathering
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Scattered Data Interpolation with Multilevel B-Splines
Multiresolution signal processing for meshes
Multiresolution adaptive parameterization of surfaces
A Sharp Interface Cartesian Grid Method for Simulating Flows with Complex Moving Boundaries
Hydrophobicity and aggregate stability in calcareous topsoils from fire-affected pine forests in southeastern Spain