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英 [blɒk]
美 [blɑk]


  • n.


  • vt.


  • 变形



    1. [C]大块 a big heavy piece of sth, with flat sides
    2. [C]街区,街段 group of buildings joined together; distance along a group of buildings
    3. [C]一排房屋,大楼 a row building with a lot of offices or flats inside
    4. [C]障碍物 a thing that stops sb/sth from moving forward
    1. vt. 阻塞,堵塞 make movement difficult or impossible
    2. vt. & vi. 阻碍,妨碍 put sth in the way of



    • n.
      • a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides)

        "the pyramids were built with large stone blocks"

      • a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings

        "he lives in the next block"

        同义词:city block

      • a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides


      • a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit

        "he reserved a large block of seats"; "he held a large block of the company's stock"

      • housing in a large building that is divided into separate units

        "there is a block of classrooms in the west wing"

      • (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted

        "since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block' and `sector' are sometimes used interchangeably"

      • an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension

        "I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block"

        同义词:mental block

      • a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope


      • a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine

        "the engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked"

        同义词:engine blockcylinder block

      • an obstruction in a pipe or tube

        "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"


      • a platform from which an auctioneer sells

        "they put their paintings on the block"

        同义词:auction block

      • the act of obstructing or deflecting someone's movements


    • v.
      • render unsuitable for passage

        "block the way"

        同义词:barricadeblockadestopblock offblock upbar

      • hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of

        "His brother blocked him at every turn"


      • stop from happening or developing


      • interfere with or prevent the reception of signals

        "block the signals emitted by this station"


      • run on a block system

        "block trains"

      • interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia

        "block a nerve"; "block a muscle"

      • shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight

        "The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage"


      • stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block

        "block the book cover"

      • obstruct

        "Her arteries are blocked"

        同义词:stufflugchoke up

      • block passage through

        同义词:obstructobturateimpedeoccludejamclose up

      • support, secure, or raise with a block

        "block a plate for printing"; "block the wheels of a car"

      • impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball)

        "block an attack"


      • be unable to remember

        "You are blocking the name of your first wife!"

        同义词:forgetblank outdraw a blank

      • shape by using a block

        "block a garment"

      • shape into a block or blocks

        "block the graphs so one can see the results clearly"

      • prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)




    用作名词 (n.)
    • copy a block复制一组数据
    • cut blocks截木块
    • delete a block消除一组数据
    • do the block在街上逛
    • occupy an entire block占整个街区
    • walk one block走一个街区
    • chopping block劈柴用的墩子
    • five-storey block五层大厦
    • four blocks四个街区
    • functional electric block功能块
    • mental block智能障碍
    • mosaic blocks嵌花木块
    • solid wooden block坚实的木块
    • starting block起跑器
    • stumbling block绊脚石
    • alphabet blocks字母积木
    • brake block煞车瓦
    • building blocks玩具积木
    • butcher's block肉案
    • cement block水泥空心砖
    • cinder block煤渣空心砖
    • city block城市街区
    • concrete blocks预制构件
    • cylinder block汽缸体
    • headsman's block斩首时用的垫头木
    • heart block心传导阻滞
    • input block输入部件
    • large office block一座办公大楼
    • nerve block神经传导阻滞
    • output block输出部件
    • paving blocks铺路石板
    • road blocks路障
    • saddle block鞍状阻滞
    • screw block千斤顶
    • shoe block鞋楦
    • swage block花砧
    • the auction block拍卖台
    • the school physics block学校物理大楼
    • tower block多层公寓大楼
    • trade block贸易团体
    • traffic block交通堵塞
    • unsurpassable block不可逾越的障碍
    • block buster巨型炸弹
    • block capital印刷体字母
    • block chain车链
    • block charge方形炸药包
    • block diagram方框图
    • block house碉堡
    • block letter印刷体字母
    • block movement地壳运动
    • block tin锡锭
    • around the block在街区周围
    • in a block在一个街区
    • a set of blocks一组积木
    • on the block正在拍卖
    • block in the water pipe水管中的堵塞物
    • a block of flats一排公寓,公寓大楼
    • a block of house一个街区的房子
    • a block of ice一大块冰
    • a block of mail一批邮件
    • a block of marble一块大理石
    • a block of offices办公大楼
    • a block of rock一大块岩石
    • a block of seats in a theatre剧院中的一列座位
    • a block of shares一批股票
    • a block of stone一块石头
    • a block of theatre tickets一叠戏票
    • a block of wood一块木头
    • a large block of wood一大块木料
    • block on a railway铁路不通
    • block to peace和平的障碍
    用作动词 (v.)
    • block a path封锁道路
    • block a solution to the question阻碍问题的解决
    • block advance阻挡某人前进
    • block cultural development阻碍文化的发展
    • block funds冻结资金
    • block money冻结货币
    • block pathway挡住(某人的)去路
    • block progress of study妨碍(某人)学习进步
    • block sb's promotion阻碍某人的晋升
    • block sb's view挡住某人的视线
    • block the effective use of...阻碍…的有效使用
    • block the enemy堵住敌人,阻击敌人
    • block the entrance堵住入口
    • block the exit封锁出口
    • block the export of unclear fuel封锁核燃料输出
    • block the flow of water堵住水,不让其流动
    • block the gate堵住大门
    • block the leakage of news防止走漏消息
    • block the nomination of sb for the leader阻碍提名某人作领袖
    • block the outlay阻碍销路
    • block the pipe阻塞管道
    • block the plan阻止计划(实施)
    • block the road阻塞道路
    • block the spread of the epidemic阻止流行病的传播
    • block the street阻塞街道
    • block the sun挡住阳光
    • block down sb堵住某人
    • block in塞满,使(某物)受限制或受阻,画略图
    • block in by masses of ice被大量冰块锁在里面
    • block in one's idea把构思画成草图
    • block off关闭,封闭
    • block off a door堵住门
    • block off a passage堵住过道
    • block off a street阻断街道
    • block off a window堵住窗
    • block off road挡住路
    • block out挡住,画略图
    • block out a drawing草画略图
    • block out all thoughts of sth丝毫不考虑某事
    • block out an outline for one's essay给文章写提纲
    • block out the light挡住阳光
    • block out the sun挡住太阳
    • block out unwelcome ideas from abroad把国外不受欢迎的思想隐瞒起来
    • block up封闭,堵塞
    • block up the entrance to the cave把洞口堵塞起来
    • block up the log cabin为小木屋造墙
    • block up the passage阻塞通道
    • block up the rear wheel把后轮垫高
    • block up the street阻塞街道
    • block from the rest of the world与外界隔绝
    • block to traffic阻挡车辆通行
    • block with crowds被人群所阻
    • block with snow被大雪所阻


    in block块装;整批

    block in草拟,画草图

    block up阻碍;垫高;停用;阻塞

    fault block断块;故障闭塞;断裂地块

    block diagram框图;方块图

    a block of一块,一大块…

    on the block出售中;在拍卖中

    building block n. 积木;构件,基础材料

    cylinder block气缸体;气缸柱;气缸座

    stumbling block绊脚石;障碍

    block copolymer嵌段共聚物

    concrete block混凝土砌块;混凝土砖;混凝土趸;水泥砖

    slide block滑块;滑架

    one block整体;一节

    data block数据块

    hollow block空心块,空心砖

    block out封闭;概略画出

    sliding block滑块

    block structure程序块结构,分程序结构;方块图

    block cipher分组密码



    hamper, hinder, block, prevent, bar, obstruct









    1. Walk two blocks down the street and go past the city hall.
    2. The doctors succeeded in confining the contagious disease within the block.
    3. The floor was made of wooden blocks.
    4. The blocks should be laid on a bed of concrete.
    5. There is a block in the pipe and the water can not flow away.
    6. The chief stumbling block to his promotion is his lack of qualifications.


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    Iterative decoding of binary block and convolutional codes
    Inhibitors of the proteasome block the degradation of most cell proteins and the generation of peptides presented on MHC class I mol...
    Iterative decoding of binary block and convolutional codes
    Block-iterative frequency-domain methods for Maxwell's equations in a planewave basis
    Recovery of inter-block information when block sizes are unequal
    Theory of Microphase Separation in Block Copolymers
    A quasi-orthogonal space-time block code
    A Block-sorting Lossless Data Compression Algorithms
    IAPs block apoptotic events induced by caspase‐8 and cytochrome c by direct inhibition of distinct caspases
    下一篇:block and tackle