- She has joined the film society.
她加入了电影协会。 - The film series is co-presented by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in New York and the Film Society of Lincoln Centre.
电影展由香港驻纽约经济贸易办事处及林肯中心电影协会合办。 - Rivette has attained almost godhead status among cinephiles, it is not just for his movies but also because he himself has always been a model film buff.
Film society
Film society
Film society
Cinema 16:Documents Toward History Of Film Society
Cinema 16: Documents Toward History Of Film Society
Cinema 16: Documents Toward a History of the Film Society
Art in Cinema:Documents Toward a History of the Film Society
Cinema 16: Documents toward a History of the Film Society (review)
Debating radical cinema: a history of the film society movement in India.
The Appreciation of Film: The Postwar Film Society Movement and Film Culture in Britain
'Doing the work of the NFT in Nottingham' or how to use the BFI to beat the Communist threat in your local film society
Cineclubismo en la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Período 1958-1964 / Film society at the Central University of Venezuela ...
Iris Barry, Writer and Cineaste, Forming Film Culture in London 1924-1926: the Adelphi, the Spectator, the Film Society, and the Bri...