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  • n.

    粘鱼( blenny的名词复数 );

  • 英英释义

    blenny[ 'bleni ]

    • n.small usually scaleless fishes with comb-like teeth living about rocky shores; are territorial and live in holes between rocks

      同义词:combtooth blenny



    Territoriality in Redlip blennies (Ophioblennius atlanticus-Pisces: Blenniidae)
    Direct selection on mate choice: female redlip blennies pay more for better mates
    Putative pheromones from the anal glands of male blennies attract females and enhance male reproductive success
    The Comparative Ecology of Three Sympatric Species of California Blennies of the Genus Hypsoblennius gill (Teleostomi, Blenniidae)
    The Ontogeny of Sexual Dimorphism: Quantitative Models and a Case Study in Labrisomid Blennies (Teleostei: Paraclinus)
    Male sexual polymorphism, alternative reproductive tactics, and androgens in combtooth blennies (pisces: blenniidae).
    Comparison of salinity tolerance and osmoregulation in two closely related species of blennies from different habitats
    Unusual testicular accessory organs, the testicular blind pouches of blennies (Teleostei, Blenniidae). Fine structure, (enzyme‐) hi...
    Foraging by mobile predators on a rocky shore:underwater TV observations of movements of blennies Lipophrys pholis and crabs Carcinu...