가압 소결법으로 합성된 Ti₃SiC₂ 소결체의 기계적 특성
Ti₃SiC₂의 고온산화거동
Ti₃SiC₂의 고온산화거동
Gasphasenabscheidung im system TiSiC
High temperature oxidation behavior of TiSiC-based material in air
Phase relations in the TiSiC system
Synthesis of Ti3SiC2SiC and TiSi2SiC composites using displacement reactions in the TiSiC system
Synthesis and High Temperature Mechanical Properties of TiSiC/SiC Composite
Thermal stability of TiSiC thin films
Reaction sintering phenomena of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis-derived ceramic powders in the TiSiC system
Effect of temperature, strain rate and grain size on the mechanical response of TiSiC in tension
Mechanical properties of polycrystalline TiSiC at ambient and elevated temperatures
Effect of AlO on mechanical properties of TiSiC/AlO composite