Thermal gelation of carbodiimide cross-linked oval filefish myosin.
Spawning, eggs and larvae of the longnose filefish Oxymonacanthus longirostris , a monogamous coralivore
Sexual conflict over mating system: The case of a pair-territorial filefish without parental care
Plasticity in the mating system of the longnose filefish, Oxymonacanthus longirostris , in relation to mate availability
Purification and characterization of a collagenolytic protease from the filefish, Novoden modestrus
Rapid response of an obligately corallivorous filefish Oxymonacanthus longirostris (Monacanthidae) to a mass coral bleaching event
Sexual Dimorphism and Pair Spawning into a Sponge by the Filefish, Brachaluteres ulvarum, with a Description of the Eggs and Larvae.
Pretectum and Accessory Optic System in the Filefish Navodon modestus (Balistidae, Teleostei) with Special Reference to Visual Proje...
Fiber connections and synaptic organization of the preoptic retinopetal nucleus in the filefish (Balistidae, Teleostei).
Effect of added carbodiimide on thermal gelation of actomyosins from oval filefish [Navodon modestus] and flying fish [Cypselurus op...