The recent species of Megabalanus (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha) with special emphasis on Balanus Tintinnabulum (Linnaeus) Sensu Lato
The Fine Structure of the Gregarine Pyxinoides balani Parasitic in the Barnacle Balanus tintinnabulum
Tintinnadiol, a sphaeroane diterpene from fruiting bodies of Mycena tintinnabulum
Comparative Histological Studies of the Cement Apparatus of Lepas anatifera and Balanus tintinnabulum
Copper toxicity in tropical barnacles, Balanus Amphitrite amphitrite and Balanus tintinnabulum tintinnabulum
Alkanes in barnacles (Balanus tintinnabulum) from the Buccaneer Oilfield
Oxygen consumption in relation to body size in the barnacle, Balanus tintinnabulum tintinnabulum (L.)
A new subspecies of Balanus tintinnabulum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cirripedia, Thoracica) from Clipperton Island, Eastern Pacific
Observations on an unusual membrane complex found in gregarines parasitic in the barnacle Balanus tintinnabulum.
Vondsten van de zeepok Balanus tintinnabulum (Linnaeus, 1758) in Nederland