- Another is filbert and chocolate.
另一包是榛子和巧克力的。 - The technique of extracting filbert oil and producing protein drink was studies.
Physical properties of filbert nut and kernel
Eastern filbert blight of European hazelnut--it's becoming a manageable disease.
RAPD markers linked to eastern filbert blight resistance in Corylus avellana.
Survey of Hazelnut Cultivars for Response to Eastern Filbert Blight Inoculation
Occurrence and inheritance of resistance to eastern filbert blight in 'Gasaway' hazelnut.
Hazelnut accessions provide new sources of resistance to eastern filbert blight
Use of ELISA to rapidly screen hazelnut for resistance to eastern filbert blight.
Temporary modification of adult filbert proliferation capacity by sequential subcultures: Intensive pruning as a pre-treatment for i...
Seed predation and dispersal of glabrous filbert (Corylus Heterophylla) and pilose filbert (Corylus Mandshurica) by small mammals in...
Observations on the Morphology and Behavior of the Filbert Rust Mite, Aculus comatus (Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) in Oregon 1 | An...