Introduction to the DICOM standardDICOM-BASED 12-LEAD ECG GATEWAY AND BROWSER UNDER THE CLINICALLY-USED INFORMATION SYSTEMDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)Understanding and using DICOM, the data interchange standard for biomedical imaging.OsiriX: An Open-Source Software for Navigating in Multidimensional DICOM ImagesDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM): A Practical Introduction and Survival GuidePrevalence of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis in community-dwelling older persons: The ICARe Dicomano studyEpidemiological profile of symptomatic osteoarthritis in older adults: a population based study in Dicomano, ItalyHeart failure in community-dwelling older persons: aims, design and adherence rate of the ICARe Dicomano project: an epidemiologic s...Central but not brachial blood pressure predicts cardiovascular events in an unselected geriatric population: the ICARe Dicomano Study