Multiwavelength investigation of the supernova remnant IC 443Attitude and attitude changeImpact of anatomical location on barrier recovery, surface pH and stratum corneum hydration after acute barrier disruption.Patch test results with the metalworking fluid series of the German Contact Dermatitis Research Group (DKG)An attempt to improve diagnostics of contact allergy due to epoxy resin systems. First results of the multicentre study EPOX 2002.The Stereochemistry of Reserpine, Deserpidine and Related Alkaloids1,2Occupational skin disease in Northern Bavaria between 1990 and 1999; a population based study. Br J DermatolStandardized tape stripping prior to patch testing induces upregulation of Hsp90, Hsp70, IL-33, TNF-α and IL-8/CXCL8 mRNA: new insi...Night-to-night variability in sleep apnea and sleep-related periodic leg movements in the elderly.Biodegradation of nitrobenzene by a sequential anaerobic-aerobic process