- The enormous numbers of field mice encountered during times of peak populations greatly complicate control.
Field mouse
Field mouse
Field Mouse
Factors Affecting the Breeding of the Field Mouse (Microtus agrestis). Part I.--Light
The influence of lunar light on nocturnal activity of the old-field mouse
The chromosomes of the field mouse Akodon azarae (Cricetidae, Rodentia) with special reference to sex chromosome anomalies.
Central European Dobrava Hantavirus isolate from a striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius).
Home range and mating system of two sympatric field mouse species,Apodemus speciosus andApodemus argenteus
Studies on the helminth parasites of the Long‐tailed field mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus sylvaticus from Wales
Isolation and characterization of Dobrava hantavirus carried by the striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius) in Estonia
Isolation and characterization of Dobrava hantavirus carried by the striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius) in Estonia. J Gen Virol
Characteristic features of animal populations under synurbization-the case of the Blackbird and of the Striped Field Mouse
The molecular mechanism underlying the "rare allele phenomenon"in a subspecific hybrid zone of the California field mouse, Peromysc...