Determination of urea nitrogen with the diacetyl method and an automatic dialyzing apparatus.THEORY OF MEMBRANE EQUILIBRIA AND MEMBRANE-POTENTIALS IN THE PRESENCE OF NON-DIALYZING ELECTROLYTES - A CONTRIBUTION TO PHYSICAL-CHE...Studies on regenerated protein fibers. III. Production of regenerated silk fibroin fiber by the self‐dialyzing wet spinning methodHemodialysis apparatus having a single balance chamber and method of dialyzing blood therewithDIALYZING THE ELDERLY: ISSUES AND CONCERNS: Cardiovascular Abnormalities and Hypertension in the Elderly Dialysis PatientResults in patients treated with the coil kidney (disposable dialyzing unit).Practical guidance for dialyzing a hemodialysis patient following acute brain injury[Preparation of dialyzing solutions]Functional Structure of the Peritoneum as a Dialyzing MembraneThe living peritoneum as a dialyzing membrane