- One failure after another extinguished her hope.
屡次失败使她的希望幻灭了。 - From time to time, scientists have speculated that the proton and electron charges might not be exactly equal in magnitude.
屡次地,科学家们推究质子与电子的电荷大小可能不恰好相等。 - I've told you time after time not to do that.
我一再告诉过你不要干那件事。 - The palace had been added to from time to time.
Time After Time
Time After Time
Time after time
Time after time: flowering phenology and biotic interactions
Time after time: inputs to and outputs from the mammalian circadian oscillators.
Time After Time: The Psychological Reality of the Ego- and Time-Reference-Point Distinction in Metaphorical Construals of Time
Time after time: flowering phenolgy and biotic interactions
Doing time after time: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of reformed ex-prisoners' experiences of self-change, identity an...
Time after time: The coordinating influence of tempo in music and speech
Time after Time Online: An Extended Study of Virtual Coaching during Distant Clinical Practice.
Time After Time: Taoist Apocalyptic History and the Founding of the T'ang Dynasty
(Monte Carlo) Time After Time
Tragedy, Theology, and Feminism in the Time after Time