Fibrocartilaginous embolism of the spinal cord: a clinical and pathogenetic reconsideration.
Fibrocartilaginous embolism in 75 dogs: clinical findings and factors influencing the recovery rate.
Ulnar shortening for tears of the triangular fibrocartilaginous complex ☆ ☆☆
Fibrocartilaginous embolism of the spinal cord in dogs: review of 36 histologically confirmed cases and retrospective study of 26 su...
Small proteoglycans from different regions of the fibrocartilaginous temporomandibular joint disc
An organ culture model for assaying wound repair of the fibrocartilaginous knee joint meniscus
Mechanobiology of tendon adaptation to compressive loading through fibrocartilaginous metaplasia
Differential effects of embryonic immobilization on the development of fibrocartilaginous skeletal elements
Injury-induced sequential transformation of notochordal nucleus pulposus to chondrogenic and fibrocartilaginous phenotype in the mou...
Light and electron microscopic in-situ hybridization of collagen type I and type II mRNA in the fibrocartilaginous tissue of late-st...