- Stop telling such silly fibs.
别说这种傻乎乎的谎话了。 - She was for the fib, but not the lie.
她容忍自己说点小谎,但不愿扯弥天大谎 - Those who will tell one fib, will hardly stick at another.
- Stop fibbing!
别扯谎了! - He felt guilty and was trying to fib out of it.
Offline: Fibbing for God
`Creative Solutions' and `Fibbing Results'
Fibbing in action: On-demand load-balancing for better video delivery
Fibbing to Get a Lawyer: Circuits Split on Punishment [November 27, 2017]
Fibbing About Your Feelings: The Relationship between Emotional Misrepresentation and Trust
'Creative Solutions' and 'Fibbing Results': Enculturation in Field Ecology
An affinity for fibbing: Rule-following preference as a predictor of dishonest behavior
Mr. Know-It-All: Shopping on eBay, Kosher Downloading, Fibbing on IM
Impression Management, Mindshaping and the Social Function of Fibbing
The unexamined lie is a lie worth fibbing: neuropsychological malingering and the Word Memory Test