- Stop telling such silly fibs.
别说这种傻乎乎的谎话了。 - She was for the fib, but not the lie.
她容忍自己说点小谎,但不愿扯弥天大谎 - Those who will tell one fib, will hardly stick at another.
- Stop fibbing!
别扯谎了! - He felt guilty and was trying to fib out of it.
Edwurd Fudwupper fibbed big
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Edward Fudwupper Fibbed Big (Book review)
Grinch Who Fibbed About Christmas: Falwell's Holiday Hokum, The
Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big: Explained by Fannie Fudwupper
The Grinch Who Fibbed about Christmas: Falwell's Holiday Hokum
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Ex-Council Chief Fighting Pounds 1m Claim 'Fibbed for Job' Former RCT Chief 'Failed to Reveal Depressive Illness'
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