Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods
tiger woods
Tiger Woods: Doomed by Distraction
Tiger Woods Is Back, but Where Is He Going?
Portraying Tiger Woods: Characterizations of a "Black"Athlete in a "White"Sport
Is Tiger Woods Loss Averse? Persistent Bias in the Face of Experience, Competition, and High Stakes
Tiger Says My Favorite Kind of Golf - Tiger Woods - Brief Article
Celebrity performance and endorsement value: the case of Tiger Woods
Economic Value of Celebrity Endorsements: Tiger Woods' Impact on Sales of Nike Golf Balls
Unicorns or Tiger Woods: Are lie detection experts myths or rarities? A response to On lie detection "Wizards' by Bond and Uysal.
Celebrity Endorsements, Firm Value, and Reputation Risk: Evidence from the Tiger Woods Scandal
Framing Tiger’s Troubles: Comparing Traditional and Social Media Tiger Woods’ s Precipitous Fall From Grace