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英 [ˈæŋgləʊˈsæksən]
美 [ˈæŋɡloˈsæksən]


  • n.


  • adj.


  • 变形



    Anglo-Saxon[ ,æŋɡləu'sæksən ]

    • n.
      • a native or inhabitant of England prior to the Norman conquest
      • a person of Anglo-Saxon (especially British) descent whose native tongue is English and whose culture is strongly influenced by English culture as in WASP for `White Anglo-Saxon Protestant'
      • English prior to about 1100

        同义词:Old English

    • adj.of or relating to the Anglo-Saxons or their language



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    The Socio-Cultural Environment for Entrepreneurship: A Comparison between East Asian and Anglo-Saxon Countries
    Multinationals, national business systems and HRM: the enduring influence of national identity or a process of 'Anglo-Saxonization'
    Feasts of Saint Michael the Archangel in the Liturgy of the Early Anglo-Saxon Church: Evidence from the Eighth and Ninth Centuries
    Continuity or colonization in Anglo-Saxon England? Isotope evidence for mobility, subsistence practice, and status at West Heslerton
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