用作动词 (v.)
~+副词- tidy agreeably愉快地整理
- tidy carefully仔细地整理
- tidy pleasantly高兴地收拾
- tidy remarkably突出地整理
- tidy suddenly突然整理
- tidy sufficiently有效地整理
- tidy unexpectedly出其不意地整理
- tidy unusually不寻常地整理
- tidy away收拾整洁
- tidy one's papers away把文件收藏好
- tidy out the upstairs rooms把楼上的房间收拾干净
- tidy up one's bed整理床铺
- tidy up one's desk整理书桌
- She keeps her house very tidy.
她保持她的住所整整齐齐。 - They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.
他们坐在她那干净整齐的厨房里。 - He has a tidy mind.
他的思维有条理。 - Her clothes were clean and tidy.
- His room is in a clutter so I have to tidy it up.
- You'd better tidy up before the guests arrive.
客人们到达前,你最好先把东西整理一下。 - Make your room as tidy as possible.
将你的房间收拾得尽量整洁一些。 - Mother always keeps the house clean and tidy.
Tidying up Tags?
Kernelization through Tidying
Kernelization through Tidying
Tidying up Mineral Names: an IMA-CNMNC Scheme for Suffixes, Hyphens and Diacritical marks
Tidying up loose ends: the role of polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase in DNA strand break repair
Space structure for tidying up cables connecting to an electronic appliance
Robot, organize my shelves! Tidying up objects by predicting user preferences
Motion planning for dual-arm mobile manipulator - realization of "tidying a room motion"
System integration of a daily assistive robot and its application to tidying and cleaning rooms
A Demonstrative Research for Daily Assistive Robots on Tasks of Cleaning and Tidying up Rooms