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  • v.

    重新造林( reforest的过去式和过去分词 );

  • 英英释义

    reforest[ ri:'fɔrist ]

    • v.forest anew

      "After the fire, they reforested the mountain"



    1. The government is making strenuous efforts to reforest the hills.


    Ground-dwelling invertebrates in reforested conifer plantations
    Potassium deficiency of reforested Pine and1 Spruce stands in northern New York.
    Litter degradation and CN dynamics in reforested mangrove plantations at Gazi Bay, Kenya
    Vegetative Characteristics of Recently Reforested Bottomlands in the Lower Cache River Watershed, Illinois, U.S.A
    Factors Affecting the Use of Reforested Sites by Reptiles in Cleared Rainforest Landscapes in Tropical and Subtropical Australia
    Predation on propagules regulates regeneration in a high-density reforested mangrove plantation
    Promising indicators for assessment of agroecosystems alteration among natural, reforested and agricultural land use in southern Bra...
    Development, evaluation and interpretation of sediment rating curves for a Japanese small mountainous reforested watershed
    Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on soil microbial biomass and community structure in two reforested tropical forests
    Effect of Eucalyptus species and soil type on infestation levels of heartwood termites (Insecta: Isoptera) in reforested areas of Br...