- Crease well, then refold the opposite way and crease again.
Molecular chaperones, folding catalysts, and the recovery of active recombinant proteins from E. coli. To fold or to refoldRepair, refold, recycle: how bacteria can deal with spontaneous and environmental damage to proteinsRepair, refold, recycle: how bacteria can deal with spontaneous and environmental damage to proteins.Refold and characterization of recombinant tissue factor pathway inhibitor expressed in Escherichia coliREFOLD: an analytical database of protein refolding methods.P22 ARC REPRESSOR - TRANSITION STATE PROPERTIES INFERRED FROM MUTATIONAL EFFECTS ON THE RATES OF PROTEIN UNFOLDING AND REFOLDINGThe mechanism of folding of globular proteins. Suitability of a penicillinase from Staphylococcus Aureus as a model for refolding st...Structural Rearrangements of the Central Region of the Morbillivirus Attachment Protein Stalk Domain Trigger F Protein Refolding for...A Small Heat Shock Protein Cooperates with Heat Shock Protein 70 Systems to Reactivate a Heat-Denatured ProteinRefolding solubilized inclusion body proteins.