- The river Tiber was no longer a foaming torrent overflowing the plains.
台伯河已不再是漫溢平原的泛起泡沫的急流。 - One day we walk to Gianicolo Park and gaze down across the Tiber River at the city.
The analysis of two bi-millennial series: Tiber and Po river floods
The Tiber river delta plain (central Italy): Coastal evolution and implications for the ancient Ostia Roman settlement
A geological model of the buried Tiber River valley beneath the historical centre of Rome
Geochemistry of natural gas manifestation from the Upper Tiber Valley (Central Italy)
Physical stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene Tiber Delta depositional sequence
Late Quaternary landscape evolution of the Tiber River delta plain (Central Italy): new evidence from pollen data, biostratigraphy a...
Lag prediction in ungauged basins: an investigation through actual data of the upper Tiber River valley
Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the ancient harbors of Rome: Claudius and Trajan's marine harbors on the Tiber delta
Radioisotopic age constraints for Glacial Terminations IX and VII from aggradational sections of the Tiber River delta in Rome, Italy
The transition from wave-dominated estuary to wave-dominated delta: The Late Quaternary stratigraphic architecture of Tiber River de...