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英 ['pɒlɪˌestəz]
美 ['pɒlɪˌestəz]


  • n.

    聚酯纤维,涤纶( polyester的名词复数 );

  • 英英释义

    polyester[ 'pɔli,estəz ]

    • n.
      • any of numerous synthetic resins; they are light and strong and weather resistant
      • a complex ester used for making fibers or resins or plastics or as a plasticizer
      • any of a large class of synthetic fabrics

        同义词:polyester fabric



    unsaturated polyester不饱和聚酯

    polyester fiber n. 聚酯纤维

    polyester resin[化]聚酯树脂

    unsaturated polyester resin不饱和聚酯树脂

    polyester film聚酯薄膜

    polyester fabric[化]聚酯棉料;聚酯织物

    polyester fibre涤纶;[化]聚酯纤维

    polyester yarn涤纶纱;聚酯纱线

    polyester polyol聚酯多元醇;多元醇聚酯树脂

    polyester putty聚酯油灰

    polyester pongee春亚纺



    Hyperbranched Aliphatic Polyesters
    Biodegradable polyesters for medical and ecological applications
    Bacterial polyesters: biosynthesis, biodegradable plastics and biotechnology
    One-step synthesis of hyperbranched dendritic polyesters
    Resorbable polyesters in cartilage engineering: Affinity and biocompatibility of polymer fiber structures to chondrocytes
    Processability and properties of aliphatic polyesters, ‘BIONOLLE’, synthesized by polycondensation reaction
    Synthesis, structure and properties of polyhydroxyalkanoates: biological polyesters
    Formation of Polyesters by Pseudomonas oleovorans: Effect of Substrates on Formation and Composition of Poly-(R)-3-Hydroxyalkanoates...
    Correlations of Solution Rheology with Electrospun Fiber Formation of Linear and Branched Polyesters
    Pseudomonas oleovorans as a Source of Poly(β-Hydroxyalkanoates) for Potential Applications as Biodegradable Polyesters