Feminized responses in fish to environmental estrogens
Feminized management and backlash toward agentic women.
Managing Difference in Feminized Work: Men, Otherness and Social Practice
Feminized management and backlash toward agentic women: the hidden costs to women of a kinder, gentler image of middle managers
Cytosol androgen receptor from kidney of normal and testicular feminized ( Tfm ) mice
Bone and mineral metabolism in the androgen-resistant (testicular feminized) male rat.
Orthodox and Inclusive Masculinity: Competing Masculinities among Heterosexual Men in a Feminized Terrain
A single base mutation in the androgen receptor gene causes androgen insensitivity in the testicular feminized rat.
Stromal-epithelial interactions--I. Induction of prostatic phenotype in urothelium of testicular feminized (Tfm/y) mice.
A frame-shift mutation in the androgen receptor gene causes complete androgen insensitivity in the testicular-feminized mouse