Notation for felspar structures
Zoning in Plagioclase Felspar
Banalsite, a New Barium-Felspar from Wales
The effect of felspar, slate and quartz on the lungs of rats
The structure of a triclinic potassium felspar
The crystal structure of celsian (barium felspar)
Potash Felspar as a By-Product of the Biotite-Chlorite Transformation. J. Geol. 63, 75-82
On a Partially Fused Quartz-Felspar-Rock and on Glomero-Granular Texture
The reciprocal lattice geometry of the plagioclase felspar structures
SHRIMP U-Pb dating of Dashigou biotite-K-felspar granites in Shangdu,Inner Mongolia,and its significance