fell in排队;到期
fell into掉进;变成
fell in love with 爱上…(fall in love with的过去式)
fell on落到
fell down倒下;感到闷闷不乐
fell asleep睡着了;入睡
fell off跌落
fell out v. 争吵
fell ill生病
fell to the ground跌到地上
fell over落在
fell for爱上,倾心
fell back后退
fell short of没打中目标,不够长
fell through未能实现
fell flat卧倒;引不起兴趣;完全失败
fell under归入
fell in with偶然碰见
at one fell swoop一举,一下子
fell back on vt. 依靠于……
- The lumberman will fell these great trees.
这位伐木工将砍伐掉这些大树。 - He felled his enemy with a single blow.
- This is the famous Lakeland Fells.
这就是著名的莱克兰荒野。 - The wind and rain beat down on me, and I fell down several times, but finally I arrived at a long, low house, standing rather isolated in the middle of the moor.
- He was struck by a fell blow to the head.
- The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam.
小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。 - No sooner had he arrived than he fell sick.
他刚抵达就病倒了。 - The knife fell from her nerveless fingers.
刀子从她那无力的手中落下。 - I managed to grab hold of the jug before it fell.
Antielastases of the human alveolar structures. Implications for the protease-antiprotease theory of emphysema.
Cigarette smoking induces functional antiprotease deficiency in the lower respiratory tract of humans.
Oxidant-mediated epithelial cell injury in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Alveolar macrophages release an insulin-like growth factor I-type molecule.
Z-type alpha 1-antitrypsin is less competent than M1-type alpha 1-antitrypsin as an inhibitor of neutrophil elastase.
Oxidants spontaneously released by alveolar macrophages of cigarette smokers can inactivate the active site of alpha 1-antitrypsin, ...
Characterization of the gene and protein of the alpha 1-antitrypsin "deficiency"allele Mprocida.
Controlling inductive power transfer systems
Anti-neutrophil elastase defense of the normal human respiratory epithelial surface provided by the secretory leukoprotease inhibitor.
Eosinophil-mediated injury to lung parenchymal cells and interstitial matrix. A possible role for eosinophils in chronic inflammator...