fell in排队;到期
fell into掉进;变成
fell in love with 爱上…(fall in love with的过去式)
fell on落到
fell down倒下;感到闷闷不乐
fell asleep睡着了;入睡
fell off跌落
fell out v. 争吵
fell ill生病
fell to the ground跌到地上
fell over落在
fell for爱上,倾心
fell back后退
fell short of没打中目标,不够长
fell through未能实现
fell flat卧倒;引不起兴趣;完全失败
fell under归入
fell in with偶然碰见
at one fell swoop一举,一下子
fell back on vt. 依靠于……
- The lumberman will fell these great trees.
这位伐木工将砍伐掉这些大树。 - He felled his enemy with a single blow.
- This is the famous Lakeland Fells.
这就是著名的莱克兰荒野。 - The wind and rain beat down on me, and I fell down several times, but finally I arrived at a long, low house, standing rather isolated in the middle of the moor.
- He was struck by a fell blow to the head.
- The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam.
小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。 - No sooner had he arrived than he fell sick.
他刚抵达就病倒了。 - The knife fell from her nerveless fingers.
刀子从她那无力的手中落下。 - I managed to grab hold of the jug before it fell.
Egypt felled by famine
The Felled Tree Trunk as an Ecological Unit
Felled or standing retained wood—it makes a difference for saproxylic beetles
Machine for debarking and trimming either standing or felled tree trunks
Machine for debarking and trimming either standing or felled tree trunks
Small Rodent Populations in Selectively Felled and Mature Tracts of Kibale Forest, Uganda
The interrelationships of bark beetles and blue-staining fungi in felled Norway pine timber
Ethanol synthesis in Douglas-fir logs felled in November, January, and March and its relationship to ambrosia beetle attack.
Evaluating the effectiveness of contour-felled log erosion barriers as a post-fire runoff and erosion mitigation treatment in the we...
Fire and Erosion: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Post-Fire Rehabilitation Treatment, Contour-Felled Logs