- The daughter nuclides of radon and thoron tend to become attached.
The flux of radon and thoron from Australian soils
Up-to-date radon-thoron discriminative detector for a large scale survey
Radon and thoron decay product and 210 Pb measurements at Jungfraujoch, Switzerland
Dose to red bone marrow from natural radon and thoron exposure.
Physical Parameters and Dose Factors of the Radon and Thoron Decay Products
Variations of soil radon and thoron concentrations in a fault zone and prospective earthquakes in SW Taiwan
Spatial distribution of thoron and radon concentrations in the indoor air of a traditional Japanese wooden house.
Calibration factors for LR-115 (type-II) based radon thoron discriminating dosimeter
A simple passive monitor for integrating measurements of indoor thoron concentrations
Removal of rhodamine B (a basic dye) and thoron (an acidic dye) from dilute aqueous solutions and wastewater simulants by ion flotat...