- These findings suggest sprinters get better contact with the ground by having longer toes.
这些发现意味着短跑运动员因为脚趾较长,接触地面更有优势。 - The strength training for sprinters should stress the development of maximum strength and speed strength based on their own characteristics.
Elasticity of tendon structures of the lower limbs in sprinters.Fascicle length of leg muscles is greater in sprinters than distance runnersNoninvasive evaluation of the athletic heart: sprinters versus endurance runners.Neuromuscular and anaerobic performance of sprinters at maximal and supramaximal speedHamstring injuries in sprinters. The role of concentric and eccentric hamstring muscle strength and flexibility.Myosin heavy chain isoforms in single fibres from m. vastus lateralis of sprinters: influence of training.A prospective cohort study of hamstring injuries in competitive sprinters: preseason muscle imbalance as a possible risk factor.A Comparison of Strength and Power Characteristics Between Power Lifters, Olympic Lifters, and SprintersSprint performance is related to muscle fascicle length in male 100-m sprinters. La performance en sprint est liee a la longueur des...Force-, EMG-, and elasticity-velocity relationships at submaximal, maximal and supramaximal running speeds in sprinters.