Solution structure of the complex between poxvirus-encoded CC chemokine inhibitor vCCI and human MIP-1beta.UntitledStructural Determination by NMRA Counterintuitive Mg2+-dependent and Modification-assisted Functional Folding of Mitochondrial tRNAsResonance assignments and secondary structure of vCCI, a 26 kDa CC chemokine inhibitor from rabbitpox virus.Analysis of Error Propagation from NMR-Derived Internuclear Distances into Molecular Structure of Cyclo -Pro-Gly ☆Refined solution structure of des-pyro Glu brazzeinConformational Investigations: I. Prolyl Ring Conformations II. Solution Structure Refinement Of Brazzein ChemistrySupplementary materialConformational stability of collagen relies on a stereoelectronic effect.