- Even in paradise fault finders will find faults.
即便是在天堂,吹毛求疵得人仍会找到毛病。 - Some persons are prone to find fault with others when they should be blaming themselves.
Fault finding
Fault finding
( ISDN )
Global transcript analysis of rice leaf and seed using SAGE technology.
Getting to Know the Basketmakers
she walks for days inside a thousand eyes: a two-spirit story
Professional Assessment Or Fault-Finding? Attitudes of Student Teachers On Teaching Practice Towards Supervision In Masvingo Province.
On the Effects of Pair Programming on Thoroughness and Fault-Finding Effectiveness of Unit Tests
CRIB: Computer Fault-finding Through Knowledge Engineering
On the effects of pair programming on thoroughness and fault-finding effectiveness of unit tests
Training and transfer of fault-finding skill.
An evaluation of a fault‐finding training course for refinery process operators