- According to the principle of thermopile,and the three-dimensional loop wire laying is substituted by new-style plane wire laying.
Integrated thermopile sensors ☆
A batch-fabricated silicon thermopile infrared detector
A high-temperature thermopile fabrication process for thermal flow sensors
A high-temperature thermopile fabrication process for thermal flow sensors
A silicon-thermopile-based infrared sensing array for use in automated manufacturing
Infrared thermopile sensors with high sensitivity and very low temperature coefficient
An integrated silicon thermopile as biosensor for the thermal monitoring of glucose, urea and penicillin ☆
Giant voltages upon surface heating in normal YBa2Cu3O7−δ films suggesting an atomic layer thermopile
Giant voltages upon surface heating in normal YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) films suggesting an atomic layer thermopile