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reckon with

《reckon with》怎以读

英 [ˈrekən wið]
美 [ˈrɛkən wɪð]

《reckon with》是什么意思

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  • 学习《reckon with》怎么用


    1. I have a huge pile of letters to deal with.
    2. Firstly, let us deal with the most important issue.
    3. The stores had to cope with a plague of burglaries.
    4. She was wrestling with assignments in mathematics.
    5. We must reckon with all possible difficulties.
    6. We didn't exactly reckon for him turning up like that,out of the blue.
    7. We have met with some unexpected difficulties.
    8. If you've cut yourself with that knife I can only say I told you so.


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