- It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
Commitment and its theorized determinants: A meta-analysis of the investment model.
Use of digoxin immune Fab (ovine) for the regulation of sodium/potassium ATPase activity in preeclamptic and eclamptic patients
Integrating Positivist and Interpretive Approaches to Organizational Research
Effects of Ownership Structure and Control on Corporate Productivity
Modeling the Multilevel Determinants of Top Management Team Behavioral Integration
When Do Price Promotions Affect Pretrial Brand Evaluations?
A prospective investigation of biomechanical risk factors for patellofemoral pain syndrome. The joint undertaking to monitor and pre...
Concern for Information Privacy and Online Consumer Purchasing
The politics of sport-for-development: limited focus programmes and broad gauge problems?
Without Borders? Notes on Globalization as a Mobility Regime