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  • abbr.

    Faererne (Faroe Islands) 法罗群岛;

  • 英英释义

    Faroes[ 'fɛərəuz ]

    • n.
      • a self-governing colony that is a possession of Denmark in the Faroe Islands

        同义词:Faroe IslandsFaeroe IslandsFaeroes

      • a group of 21 volcanic islands in the North Atlantic between Iceland and the Shetland Islands

        同义词:Faroe IslandsFaeroe IslandsFaeroes



    The Lichens of the Faroes
    Pollination in the Faroes - In spite of rain and poverty in insects
    The faroes statement: human health effects of developmental exposure to chemicals in our environment
    Viking and Medieval Settlement in the Faroes: People, Place and Environment
    Prevalence, incidence, and classification of epilepsy in the Faroes.
    High liveborn birth weights in the Faroes: a comparison between birth weights in the Faroes and in Denmark
    Thellier palaeointensity experiments on Faroes flood basalts: technical aspects and geomagnetic implications
    The stratigraphy, environment of eruption and age of the Faroes Lava Group, NE Atlantic Ocean
    Origin of Fucus serratus (Heterokontophyta; Fucaceae) populations in Iceland and the Faroes: a microsatellite-based assessment
    Diagenesis and reservoir quality evolution of palaeocene deep-water, marine sandstones, the Shetland-Faroes Basin, British continent...