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  • adj.步行的;流动的;【医】同“ambulant”;【法】可变更的
  • n.(有顶的)回廊
  • 网络走动的;能走动的;非卧床的
  • 变形



    ambulatory[ 'æmbjulətəri ]

    • n.a covered walkway (as in a cloister)

      "it has an ambulatory and seven chapels"

    • adj.
      • relating to or adapted for walking

        "an ambulatory corridor"

      • able to walk about

        "the patient is ambulatory"




    Les cliniques de préadmission et de patients ambulatories
    Energy Efficiency Index of Ambulatories and Hospitals
    Ambulatories Cares: Parent–Infant Psychotherapy in Perinatal Mental Health
    Adenovirus presence in surfaces and equipment from ambulatories, internship units, and operating rooms in a Brazilian hospital.
    Data quality in tuberculosis: the case study of two ambulatories in the state of São Paulo, Brazil
    Énumération Des Espèces De La Famille Des Ambulatoriées (Nouveau Groupe Végétal De La Classe Des Diatomées)
    The practices of psychologists in mental health ambulatories
    Recognition of symptoms of violence in cases of patients showing up in ambulatories and neurological wards
    Accidents At Home With Childrens In The Pediatric Population Registred In Ambulatories And Universitary Hospital Of Los Andes. Merid...
    Serum Levels of Zinc (zn), Iron (Fe) and Copper (Cu) of Preschool Children who Attended the Urban Ambulatories Type III at Mérida C...