DEODANDDEODANDDEODANDFrom Deodand to DependencyDeath of the deodandThe deodand and responsibility for death"The Nature of the Early Law of Deodand"Noxal Surrender, the Deodand, and the Laws of King AlfredDeath of the Deodand: Accursed Objects and the Money Value of Human Life"Whether Wast, Deodand, or Stray": Cattle, Culture, and the Environment in Early GeorgiaNew Life for the Deodand: Coroners' Inquests and Occupational Deaths in England, 1830-46Ancient Law and the Punishment of Corporations: Of Frankpledge and DeodandSearching for Pigeons in the Belfry: The Inquest, the Abolition of the Deodand and the Rise of the Family