Acyclovir concentrations in the skin of humans after a single oral dose assessed by in vivo cutaneous microdialysis
Continuous and Iterative Feature of Interactions between the Constituents of a System from an Industrial Point of View
Continuous and Iterative Feature of Interactions between the Constituents of a System from an Industrial Point of View
Cis pospolity [Taxus baccata L.] w naszych lasach wczoraj i dzis
Promotion de l’activité physique chez l’adolescent : interventions chez des jeunes obèses et des jeunes issus de familles socio ...
Poly(3-methyltiophene)- Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes Composite Electrodes ☆
Taking Handicap into Account: Systemic Features
Evaluación de indicadores sanguineos del metabolismo mineral en vacas crianceras sin suplementacion mineral en periodo invernal
Zywotnosc korzeni w wierzchnich warstwach gleby w drzewostanach sosnowych w 10 lat po trzebiezy
Overview of Recent Development of Optopyrotechnics for Space Applications