- Why doesn't a densitometer always vouch for the quality of colors?
为何光密度计不总能保证色彩品质? - Mass flow information can be secured by using a densitometer.
Densitometer for use in a printerUltrasonic bone densitometerAn integrating microdensitometer for biological cellsAn automatic microdensitometer for X-ray powder diffraction photographsPerformance evaluation of a dual-energy X-ray bone densitometerMeasurement precision of body composition variables using the lunar DPX-L densitometer.Use of a scanning densitometer or an ELISA plate reader for measurement of nanogram amounts of protein in crude extracts from biolog...Cross calibration of QDR-2000 and QDR-1000 dual-energy X-ray densitometers for bone mineral and soft-tissue measurementsEuropean semi-anthropomorphic spine phantom for the calibration of bone densitometers: Assessment of precision, stability and accura...Ghosh S, Gepstein S, Heikkila JJ, Dumbroff EB.. Use of a scanning densitometer or an ELISA plate reader for measurements of nanogram...